
Количество вакантных мест по государственному образовательному гранту в разрезе специальностей.

On June 2, an online meeting of the KBTU teachers' staff was held.

June 4 - Day of State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Visit to the Children's Home №1.

A letter of appreciation from the Ambulance Service of Almaty.

New KBTU KMA Master’s Program "Offshore engineering and shipping operations"

Almaty medical workers about living in a KBTU dormitory.

Address of the KBTU Rector on the format of the spring examination session.

С 16 марта 2020 года студенты КБТУ перешли на дистанционную форму обучения.

24 cadets of the Kazakh Maritime Academy of KBTU for 46 days crossed the Atlantic Ocean and reached the Netherlands.

We are launch a registration for you to book an online appointment with KBTU International staff to get all your questions answered.