Welcome to the KBTU Library webpage. Ours is one of the modern university libraries in Kazakhstan. We use advanced high-tech presentation tools. The Virtual Library Tour below is a guide to the Library and provides information on the use of various library services. So let us start.


The Scientific Library published a bibliographic index "Works of teachers and staff of the Kazakh-British Technical University (2002-2020)" for the 20th anniversary of KBTU JSC. The index includes bibliographic descriptions of monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, collections of scientific papers. The index contains a list of works by university scientists. The index takes into account printed and electronic publications for 2002-2020. It is addressed to students, undergraduates, doctoral students, university teachers, employees of research institutions, education workers, bibliographers. The bibliographic index is located in the reading room of the NB, in the Information and Library Center of the IHN, and in the reading room of the NB DMiS.


Virtual Library Tour

Hofacker, Charles F. 04.12.2018

Шульц, Дуйэн П. 28.11.2018

Новости EBSCO 14.01.2019

Шваб, Клаус. 28.11.2018

Лекция в рамках программы «Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру» на тему «Қазақ тіліндегі 100 оқулық» ж ... 13.11.2018


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