The ceremony of awarding the independent annual Science Leader award - Web of Science Awards, which is held by Clarivate Analytics under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, took place on November 25.

The Kazakh-British Technical University became the owner of the independent award "Leader of Science - Web of Science Award" in the nomination "Leader in the number of publications in the Q1 and Q2 quartiles of the Web of Science Core Collection over the past 3 years among the technical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan" according to the international information - analytical platform Web of Science.

“We are grateful for such a high assessment of our work. This award is primarily associated with the development strategy of the KBTU, with the tasks, our positioning in various ratings and accreditations of the KBTU. Behind this is the great work of our scientific workers, the academic teaching staff. First of all, I would like to thank them”, - said the Rector, Chairman of the Board of JSC KBTU, Kenzhebek Niyazovich Ibrashev.

KBTU pays great attention to science, the involvement and support of our scientists, academic teaching staff and students in their research work. Over the past 3 years, we have achieved good results, we are proud of our victories in science and are confident that there are a lot of them ahead of us!