Dear Students,
KBTU has an active Psychological Support Service available for students.
You can receive consultation from a specialist, as well as psychological help and support in dealing with challenging situations and complex life issues. We also offer guidance in personal growth, development, and self-fulfillment.
Please visit us in Room 149 (Tole Bi, 1st floor).
The psychologist’s schedule is posted on Teams.
Phone: +7 777 1900 100 (WhatsApp messages only) – Abdullayeva Melita Tolkunzhanovna
(When sending a WhatsApp message, please remember to mention that you are a KBTU student.)
Come join us; together we’ll find a path to unlock your hidden potential!
Mission: To promote the successful personal development of students, reveal their unique abilities, and help realize them in life. We aim to facilitate better self-understanding and awareness of others, forming harmonious and conscious relationships with oneself and with others.
Consider visiting a psychologist if you find it difficult to manage your emotions or if you want to enhance the quality of your life and become more self-aware. Additionally, you can reach out if you need support and cannot find the understanding you seek in the outside world.
Psychological work is conducted through individual consultations.
Duration: 50 minutes.
For online sessions, please choose a comfortable and private location where you won’t be disturbed for 50 minutes. If using devices, ensure they are fully charged.
For cases of depression or acute conditions, we recommend weekly sessions until improvement is noted.
You may book an offline or online session with the psychologist through the link below:

Абдуллаева Мелита Толкунжановна