Dear applicant!
Welcome to the KBTU School of Applied Mathematics!
A degree in mathematics and applied mathematics opens doors to solid and successful career because mathematics is the foundation of everything. The School of Applied Mathematics is one of the youngest faculties of the KBTU. We are proud of our strong faculty and popular programs. While studying at the School of Applied Mathematics, students gain fundamental knowledge of mathematics and its various applications, practice high-performance computing, and participate in research seminars and projects. In addition, our students have the opportunity to study optimal management and learn to make effective management decisions.
We have bachelors and masters programs in “Mathematical and Computer Modeling” and also offer PhD study in the same specialty. In addition, there is a dissertation council for the defense of doctoral theses in the specialty “Mathematical and Computer Modeling”.
At KBTU, we believe in integrated teaching and learning approach and offer interdisciplinary learning programs. As a student, you will have the opportunity to study both the basic and elective courses at the School of Applied Mathematics and also at the other schools of the KBTU. This interdisciplinary education will diversify your knowledge and learning experience. Moreover, the acquired knowledge and the desire for continuous self-improvement will help you to adapt in future work, since in the future universal specialists will be more in demand.
Sinitsa Artem
acting Dean of the SAM
About the school
Creating an environment of interaction between teachers and students in order to study mathematics at the highest level and its further application in scientific and professional activities.
- to create a mathematical model of technical and economic problems
- to check the adequacy of the constructed mathematical model
- to solve mathematical problems
- to apply the results for forecasting
- to design computer simulations of natural-physical, chemical, biomedical and socio-economic processes using modern mathematical apparatus and high-performance computing tools.
- to develop software and computing complexes based on numerical and analytical solutions of mathematical models of dynamic processes.
In this direction, the teaching staff strives to improve the quality of the educational process by introducing modern teaching methods and techniques, updating and creating new mathematical courses that take into account the needs of the developing oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Teachers of the School of Applied Mathematics read basic mathematical disciplines at all faculties of KBTU. The Scientific and Educational Center provides KBTU students with fundamental mathematical knowledge.
Our teachers are heads and executors of grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- Geometry and analysis on manifolds and stratified sets
- Optimization of the development of uranium and hydrocarbon deposits.
- Creation of a hierarchy of numerical models of multiscale geophysical processes and development on this basis of specialized algorithms and software for high-performance computing systems with parallel hybrid architecture.
- Differential equations on graphs and stratified sets
- Development of a method for mapping fractured-cavernous reservoirs and forecasting their filtration-capacitance properties based on the use of multicomponent seismic/acoustic data of various spatial and temporal scales (surface seismoacoustic acoustic logging).
- Mathematical modeling of the spread of acute respiratory viral infections in the air, taking into account various environmental factors
- Development of efficient parallel computational algorithms for mathematical modeling of air movement in the nasal cavity on high-performance computing systems
- Problems of Rogers semilattices of families of sets of the first and second levels of the Ershov hierarchy
- Positive graphs and computable reducibility on them as mathematical models of databases
- Structural properties of almost omega-categorical ordered theories
- algebra, algebraic structures
- logic, computability theory
- Analysis on manifolds and stratified sets
- Differential equations on graphs and stratified sets
- Functional analysis
- model theory
- Applied Algebra
- Numerical modeling of filtration
- problems mathematical and computer modeling of natural and physical processes
- mathematical and computer modeling of biomedical processes
- mathematical and computer modeling of chemical processes
- computational fluid dynamics
- High-performance computing
- mathematical and computer modeling of atmospheric processes
- mathematical and computer modeling of water pollution
- mathematical and computer modeling of socio-economic processes.
- Training of specialists of all levels: from bachelor to PhD. KBTU has a dissertation council for the defense of doctoral dissertations in the specialty "Mathematical and computer modeling";
- Active participation of students in scientific seminars and projects;
- Universalism is our main advantage, because mathematics is the queen of sciences. There is a great demand for our graduates. Thanks to universalism, graduates of the School of Applied Mathematics realize themselves in any field of activity;
- The teaching staff consists of highly qualified specialists in various fields of mathematics, 100% of the teaching staff are Doctors of sciences and Candidates of Sciences;
- Our Faculty has specialized accreditation of the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) for all levels of education – bachelor's, Master's and doctoral studies.