С 2010 по 2015 год программа функционировала на факультете в экспериментальном режиме и по этой программе было подготовлено 4 PhD, трое из которых ныне являются проессорами факультета.
С 2019 года предполагается запуск программы на регулярной основе.
Программа существует на факультете с 2004 года и в зависимости от спроса рынка в разное время запускались различные специализации.
Специализации на 2019 год таковы:
• Анализ Данных (экспериментальная программа от МОН РК)
• Финансовые технологии и Анализ Данных (совместно с банковским сектором)
• Кибербезопасность
• Анализ данных в экономике и социальных науках (совместно с МШЭ – международная школа экономики КБТУ)
At KBTU students always come first…!
We are committed to provide the best Student Experience. We help and support our students while they are at the KBTU and also stay in touch with them after they have left the University.
We are sure that you have heard such stories more than once: impertinent geeks, sitting in a university campus, inventing technologies of the future. Recognizing no boundaries, full of youthful enthusiasm and armed with new technologies, they create the future. KBTU has such an environment where students can test the limits of their creativity and build life long bonds of friendship and cooperation. Our students not only become excellent and competent professionals; they are also superb team builders, leaders and trusted friends. As a modern university we know and appreciate the value out of classroom events, activities and student engagements. That is why every single day we do our best to create a wonderful and enriching Student Experience for our students.
The team of the Office of Student Issues of KBTU
The program exists at the faculty since 2004 and, depending on the market demand, various specializations were launched at different times. Specializations for 2019 are as follows:
• Data Analysis (experimental program from MES RK)
• Financial Technologies and Data Analysis (with the banking sector)
• Cybersecurity
• Data analysis in economics and social sciences (together with MSE - international school of economics KBTU)