Charter of KBTU Student Organizations (KSO)
- General provisions.
- KBTU Student Organizations (KSO) is a community of KBTU students united by common interests and goals of a scientific, intellectual, sports or creative orientation.
- The abbreviation KBTU or KBTU should be present at the beginning of the name of every KSO.
- Every Organization has its own unique and independent logo and slogan.
- Each KSO has a:
- President of the Organization, who is the main initiator and organizer and provides a plan for future events and is responsible for the organization’s activities;
- Deputy President - authorized representative of the President of the KSO;
- Reporter is a member of an organization who creates both announcements of upcoming events and reports on past events on time. We also have a platform called the Alliance of KSOs, (hereinafter AKSO). Representatives of all KSOs sets on this forum and protect the interests of their Organization.
- A KSO may have an independent Charter of the organization, structure, criteria for the selection of participants, rules of membership.
- In its activities, a KSO is guided by:
- The current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- KBTU Charter;
- Internal rules and regulations of KBTU;
- Student Constitution KBTU;
- This Charter.
- Certification
- A formal Permission Certificate is required to form an Organization. This document is the foundation of the existence of a student organization at the KBTU.
- The Certificate indicates the name, slogan, time of creation, description of the organization’s activities and projects, name of the president. This document is signed by the Head of the SK and VR and Dean of the BF and is supported by the seal of the BF.
- The authority to issue a License shall be assigned to the Chairman of the AKSO. When applying for the permission Certificate, the president of a student organization signs that he is familiar with the Charter of the KSO.
- Goals and objectives of the KSOs
In their activities, organizations are guided by the following goals:
- Diversified development of KBTU students;
- Providing a platform for the manifestation of the abilities and talents of KBTU students;
- Satisfaction of cultural and intellectual needs of KBTU students;
- Development of a favorable environment for free communication between KBTU students;
- Identification of actual interests of KBTU students;
- Creation of relations of cooperation and mutual assistance between organizations;
- Creation of a creative and interesting atmosphere within the walls of the KBTU;
- Maintaining and improving the image of KBTU in various fields of activity,
- Rights
Organizations have the right to:
- Use KBTU premises for meetings and events;
- Use the equipment available at the University for events;
- Interact within their powers with the structural units of KBTU;
- Invite KBTU students to events inside and outside the University;
- Invite guests to KBTU for events;
- Place event advertisements at KBTU;
- Participate in tenders for major events;
- Propose new (not previously held) events and, if approved, conduct them independently;
- Participate in competitions held by ASO among organizations;
- Represent KBTU at various events and competitions at city or state level;
- Put forward any proposals for changes in the Charter of the KBTU organization at the ASO platform for discussion.
- Duties
- Organizations must:
- Not to impede the process of studying at the university and not to create conditions that hinder the process of training individual students;
- Provide the necessary information for the work of the KSO (name and contacts of the president, deputy president, reporter, emblem, etc.);
- During the first 10 days of each semester, provide the AKSO with a plan of their activities for the semester, and inform the KASO about changes in the plan in advance;
- Place on their ads the logo of the organization to prevent their removal from the stands.
- When organizing events for all KBTU students, post announcements about him on the Internet (vk - “Let's go KBTU”) no later than 5 days before the event;
- Make a report on the event (which was organized or participated on behalf of the university) in the form of a note (at least 8 sentences) and several photos and place it on the page vk - Kbtu Official, or transfer it to ASO no later than 3 days after holding an event.
- If a KSO won the tender or received funding from the university for holding an event for KBTU students, the organization is obliged to:
- Hold an event in accordance with the stated program;
- Prepare activities in accordance with the plan developed jointly with the SKiVR;
- Be responsible for the quality of the event;
- If necessary, contact the KASO, SK and VR and the dean of the BF for help in preparing and organizing the event;
- Guarantee the safety of students during the event in conjunction with the Security Service of the KBTU or the Security Council of the leased premises;
- Agree on a fee for the event, if it is not free for students;
- Report both for the allocated funds and for the proceeds in front of KBTU, and to provide an estimate of the costs to the Head of the R & D;
- Provide a photo report to the SK and VR;
- When identifying cases of sale of fake tickets to the event, if possible, identify the individuals selling fake tickets and report them to the Head of the RM & C for accountability.
- Opening, closing and resumption of a KSO activities.
- Opening of a KSOs:
- The organization can be opened by any KBTU student who are like-minded people;
- The organizers must provide the Chairman of the KASO a justification for the uniqueness of the new organization at KBTU in writing, after which the Council of the KASO will decide on the opening of the new organization or the absence of the need for it. If there is already an organization with such an activity, the decision is made by SK and VR. The chairman of the KASO notifies the organizers of the decision.
- Closing and resuming KSO’ activities.
These issues are discussed in the KASO, and decisions are made by independent voting.
The reason for the closure of an organization can be:
- Non-compliance or violation of the Charter. A breach of the violation assesses the KASO;
- Lack of activity for the whole.