In KBTU, each student can find or create a student organization that is close to her/his interests. At present, the university has about 20 organizations in seven areas.
KBTU S-cubed
«Seeing further by Standing on the Shoulders of giants»
Founded in september 2015
Student Scientists' Society in KBTU (S3 / S-cubed) - Student Scientific Society (SSS) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization aimed at helping students write, prepare and defend student work in the technical and social sciences at conferences and forums in Kazakhstan and abroad. SSS organizes and conducts seminars, round tables and debates, implements various projects for the development of scientific and research potential among KBTU students. The emphasis is not only on their professional skills, but also on general erudition.
1. “Без границ” - meetings of students with people who have become professionals in their field and achieved their goals, who can share their career and life experience.
2. “Есеновские чтения”is a series of guest lectures, which are held in the best universities of Kazakhstan with the aim of professional and personal development of students.
3. Guest lectures
4. Development of the “debate movement”
Big City Lights Group
«Мы будем зажигать огни в ваших сердцах»
Founded in september 2015
KBTU Big City Lights conducts inter-university and university events, creates charity and entertainment projects, and also collaborates with youth organizations from other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At the events held, the organizers create a space in which students reveal their talents, intellectual abilities and creative potential.
Blind Dating
Flashing Lights Party - A party in the style of flashing lights, combining the elite universities of Almaty, such as KBTU, KIMEP, MAB and UIB.
The Last Samurai - An exciting game with an intriguing storyline in which each participant can feel like a real killer.
BCL MovieNight is a great opportunity for movie lovers to devote an entire night to watching the premieres and discussing them.
KBTU IC "Everest"
«Behold Our Wisdom»
Founded in september 2004
“KBTU IC Everest aims to develop students' intellectual abilities and raise the status of KBTU in this direction. The club organizes both weekly games (Brain-ring, “What? Where? When?”, “Own Game”, Hamsa), and one-time events, such as “Film Quiz” or “Music Quiz”. The guys spend annually shooting the television version of the game “What? Where? When? ”At KBTU, actively participate in international games and organize city tournaments in intellectual games themselves.
«Солнечная энергетика пока не развивается, поскольку Солнце не принадлежит нефтяным компаниям»
Founded in september 2003
KBTU SPE SC (Society of Petroleum Engineers Student Chapter) is an international scientific student organization that deals with intellectual projects in the oil and gas industry.
SPE mission: Collect, disseminate and exchange technical information in the field of exploration, development and exploitation of oil and gas fields, and other resources for the common good. Providing specialists with the opportunity to improve their professional skills and level of knowledge.
Members of the organization hold and attend lectures on this topic, organize scientific events, such as "SPE Intellectual Petroleum Games", "Scientific Olympiads in the Oil and Gas Sphere" and conferences.
"Goodness exists where it is constantly being created"
Founded in september 2005
KBTU Unit is a charitable student organization that creates kindness in the KBTU and beyond. Members of the organization are engaged in social projects, organize charity events and participate in various city events to raise funds for children in orphanages or for the treatment of patients.
The KBTU Unit team supports the children's home “Zhania”: they hold holidays, contests and master classes, buy school supplies for schoolchildren by September 1 and gifts for the holidays, leisure activities are organized on Sunday and indoors for children.
The main tradition of KBTU UNIT is to hold the Sweet Fair sweets fair at KBTU. Many student organizations and student government join this event. The fair sells sweets prepared by the students themselves.
Members of the organization try to please students, teachers and workers of KBTU as often as possible.
«Together we transform our passion into advancing geophysics today and inspiring geoscientists for tomorrow!»
Founded in september 2014
The KBTU Society of Exploration Geophysicists Student Chapter (KBTU SEG SC) is a student organization under the auspices of the international organization SEG that carries out scientific and intellectual activities and follows the mission of the SEG - the advancement of geophysics. The organization is engaged in the promotion of geology within the walls of KBTU with the assistance of such companies as Schlumberger, Lloyd’s Register, etc.
SEG enhances students' ability to participate and create projects that solve issues and problems in this area. Members of the organization hold scientific and intellectual events, guest lectures and scientific conferences. In 2015, the geological intellectual game “GeoQuestions” was organized for the first time at KBTU with the participation of other universities. Moreover, the KBTU SEG helps students of the 2-3 FENGI courses in gaining work experience.
The main tradition of KBTU UNIT is to hold the Sweet Fair sweets fair at KBTU. Many student organizations and student government join this event. The fair sells sweets prepared by the students themselves.
Members of the organization try to please students, teachers and workers of KBTU as often as possible.
KBTU Faces
“We try to do everything from the heart and only for the soul”
Founded in august 25, 2013
KBTU Faces is a student conglomerate whose main goal is to increase students' interest in the internal life of the university, help students in revealing their creative and organizational skills, as well as support the reputation of the Kazakh-British Technical University.
Faces hold events of various formats and scales, organize video and photo projects, and also oversee the music station at the university and Stolovka .tik.
Projects: Mafia club, Speed Dating, Find Friends, Crocodile, Mister and Miss KBTU, KBTU ON ICE, KBTU AIR, HONEST FACES, FACES TIMES, Special guest, Kinonoch, Fort Boyard, Photo Hunting, Halloween party, mini-films.
Members of the organization try to please students, teachers and workers of KBTU as often as possible.
KBTU Column Magazine
“More than just speakers”
Founded in january, 2016
KBTU Column Magazine is a student organization created to help develop the printing tradition within the university and successfully promote the eponymous student magazine.
The new student magazine KBTU Column Magazine aims to become a guidebook to the world of students. In it you will find publications on the most topical and burning topics, interviews with interesting people and practical advice on professional activities, information on the held and planned events of university and city scale.
Publishers plan to conduct interviews and meetings with potential employers of students, student surveys, quizzes with prizes and subject contests.
Members of the organization try to please students, teachers and workers of KBTU as often as possible.
KBTU B-kesh
« Let’s develop together
Founded in january 25, 2016
KBTU B-kesh is a student organization whose members are only representatives of the beautiful half of our university.
KBTU "B-kesh" helps to expand the horizons of our girls in certain areas of life. The organization brings bright colors to student life, and is also a motivator for the development of girls as individuals.
Goals of the organization:
• increased activity of the female half of the university;
• adaptation of girls at the university;
• All-round development of girls: improvement of skills in cooking and needlework;
• Strengthening relationships between students.
KBTU Art House
«Think Different»
Founded in september 1, 2015
KBTU Art House brings together creative students who want to develop both their musical skills and organizational skills.
Members of the organization are engaged in shooting video clips, recording cover `s, creating photo reports and photo projects, holding thematic events and parties. KBTU Art House also takes an active part in organizing the KBTU Dauysa competition.
Students have created the KBTU Art House Band, a music group that is very popular with our young people.
The organization aims to develop creative and creative thinking among students and seeks to diversify student life within the walls of the KBTU.
KBTU Alive students
«When all work’s done, let’s go have fun!»
Founded in november 24, 2015
KBTU Have Fun Group is an organization that aims to diversify student life at KBTU by uniting students of the Faculty of Higher School of Economics. The KBTU organization Have Fun Group appeared as a result of the rebranding of the student organization Alive Students, which existed since February 15, 2013.
Tasks set by the organization:
1. Introduction of students to the public life of the KBTU;
2. Holding a variety of recreational activities;
3. Creating space for creative students;
4. Conducting scientific and educational activities.
Projects: KBTU Have Fun Group, ISE FEST (Dedication of MSE), ISE FOOTBALL
ҚBTU Парасат Қазақша Клубы
«Кел, Қазақша Клубта сөйлесейік!»
Время создания – 11 января 2016 г.
ҚBTU Қазақша Клуб – студенческая организация, созданная для развития и поддержки навыков общения на казахском языке, а также для продвижения казахского языка среди студентов КБТУ.
Участники организации продолжают традиции казахского народа: проводят традиционные национальные праздники для студентов, готовят национальные блюда на свои встречи, посещают концерты национальной музыки и т.д. Одной из целью организации является приобщение иностранцев к культуре казахского народа.
Intellectual Debate Club KBTU (IDC)
«Words matter the most!»
Время создания – январь 2002 г.
Целью IDC KBTU является обучение студентов мастерству владения словом, искусству спора, конструктивной аргументации и развитие навыков сбора информации, аналитического мышления, а также ораторскому мастерству.
• Знакомство студентов с правилами и форматами игры,
• тренировки-игры,
• организация городских/межуниверситетских/школьных турниров,
• подготовка членов клуба для участия в междугородних/международных турнирах и турнирах между дебатными клубами.
«Choose your path, the path of the winner»
Время создания – 1 марта 2012 г.
КBTU ProFit объединяет студентов факультета информационных технологии с целью разнообразить студенческую жизнь КБТУ, привлекая студентов к научной и культурной деятельности, способствуя развитию учебного процесса и оптимизации проводимых мероприятий и игр посредством создания веб-разработок и приложений.
• Freshman’s party vol.2,
• Скорая помощь для студентов ФИТ,
• соревнования по киберспорту,
• Иллюзионист.
Среди прошлых проектов:Турнир по волейболу среди студентов ФИТ, Благотворительный концерт, Поздравление преподавателей кафедры ФИТ с 8 марта, Организация походов на БАО и Асем тау, Freshman’s party vol.1, Crazy party.London Grad, чемпионат по футболу.
Время создания – 2009 г.
КВН Life КBTU занимается продвижением в КБТУ одного из самых популярных направлений деятельности молодёжи – КВН-движения.
В нашем университете есть хорошая традиция и знаменательное история игр в КВН. В недалёком прошлом команда КВН КБТУ занимала лидирующие позиции не только на казахстанских турнирах, но и участвовала в Высшей Лиге в Москве.
Достижения Сборной КБТУ:
2010 г. – 2 место в Республиканской Лиге КВН и 3 место в Суперлиге КВН Казахстана.
2010 г. – обладатели кубка КВН КИМЕП (соревновалось 6 вузов) и Кубка КБТУ (5 вузов).
2013 г. – Победители Кубка КВН университета Туран (5 вузов).
2014 г. – Вице-чемпионы Весеннего кубка КБТУ (6 университетов).
Команда КВН участвует во всех студенческих мероприятиях КБТУ, один раз в год проводит МежФак (турнир среди факультетов) и участвует в городских и республиканских турнирах КВН.
Crystal KBTU
“Мы не обещаем, мы показываем реальные результаты!”
Время создания – 12 марта 2012г.
Crystal KBTU – это организация, ставшая перед собой цель проведения запоминающихся мероприятии для студентов КБТУ. В число задач сообщества также входит помощь адаптации и социализации первокурсников.
Деятельность и проекты:
1. Invasion – интро-вечеринка, ежегодный разогрев в начале учебного года, перед предстоящими мероприятиями.
2. Love Sensation – ежегодное событие, приуроченное ко дню всех влюбленных.
3. Thematic party – вечеринка, посвященная определенной тематике, как Gatsby party и тд.
4. Groove on – самая шумная вечеринка.
5. Полномасштабный выезд на природу всех студентов КБТУ.
Japanese club КBTU
«KBTU needs more kawaii»
Время создания – 31 августа 2017 г.
Целью Japanese club КBTU является объединение студентов, интересующихся японской культурой ,в том числе аниме-культура. Путем проведения различных развлекательных мероприятий организация стремится познакомить студентов КБТУ с одной из древнейших цивилизации востока.
Деятельность и проекты:
1. Показ полнометражных японских аниме и популярных фильмов;
2. День японской еды
3. Совместные походы на японские кинокартины посещение мероприятий, связанных с японской культуры
4. Аниме викторина