Republic Day is the main and only national holiday of the country.
The Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is celebrated on October 25 (since 2009, the holiday is no longer considered a state holiday). But, despite the loss of the status of a state holiday, October 25 is an extremely important day in Kazakhstan. This is the special point from which the formation and development of our state is counted, a turning point in the history of Kazakhstan. The state has a Declaration of Independence – it is such an important document that reflects all the main principles, from human to political principles. It was on this day that a solid foundation was laid on which we are now building our free society, in which equality and respect for each other reign.
Concerts, scientific conferences, creative contests, sports competitions, patriotic, volunteer and charity events are held in honor of the Republic Day in the regions of Kazakhstan.
List of exposed textbooks:
1. Kazakhstan: the history of success through the eyes of the world community / Ed.R. Asanbay. - Almaty: Taimas, 2005.
2.Ayagan B. G."
Symbols of independence: the symbol of independence / B. G. Ayagan, A. zh.Gabdullina. - Almaty: Rarity, 2011
3. Kazakhstan: the history of success through the eyes of the world community" / Ed.:R. Asanbai. - Almaty: Taimas, 2005.
4. Kazakhstan: Encyclopedia of Kazakhstan's path in the 6th volume:Volume 1: spiritual heritage. In 3-x parts. Part 2". Vol.1. Part 2 : Spiritual Education / under the general public. Ed. doctor of political science D. N. Nazarbayev
5. The Republic Of Kazakhstan.Chronicle 10 years". - Almaty : Cossack encyclopedia, 2002
6. Fergus Michael.»
Kazakhstan:coming of age / M. Fergus, J. Jandosova. - London : Stacey International, 2003
7. Kazakhstan". - Almaty: Bureau "El", 1995.
8. nature of Kazakhstan": Encyclopedia / Ed."I'm Sorry," He Said. - Almaty : Kazakh encyclopedia, 2008
9. The Republic Of Kazakhstan.Volume 2 : socio-economic development": the Republic of Kazakhstan.Volume 2: socio-economic development / Pod Ed.N. A. Iskakova,A. R. Medeu. - Almaty, 2006
10. The Republic Of Kazakhstan.Volume 1 : Personal Services and resources: Republic of Kazakhstan.Volume 1: natural conditions and resources / Pod Ed.N. A. Iskakova,A. R. Medeu. - Almaty, 2006
11. The Republic Of Kazakhstan.Volume 3 : Environment and ecology": the Republic of Kazakhstan.Volume 3: the environment and ecology / Pod Ed.N. A. Iskakova,A. R. Medeu. - Almaty, 2006
12. Narodny Of Kazakhstan.Encyclopedic sprvochnik". - Almaty: Arys, 2003 history of industrialization of Kazakhstan (chronology, projects, prospects)" / public. Ed. Dr. East. Nauk Sydykova E. B. - Astana: Eurasian Integration Institute, 2015
14.history of Kazakhstan" : course of lectures / edited by K. S. Karazhan. - Almaty: legal literature, 2009
15. Mazhitov Sattar Fazylovich.»
16.historical science of Kazakhstan:modern society and trends of development : monograph. - Almaty : Association of authors and writers of Kazakhstan, 2013
17. Satbayev Kanysh.»
18. Kazakhstan is my homeland. - Almaty: Science, 1999.