
On October 25 a meeting with Shanghai Political-Legal University teachers took place in KBTU.

KBTU congratulates Nazarbayev Intellectual School for receiving an international UNESCO award in the sphere of educational innovations!

KBTU students who study in the academic mobility program at the University of Furtwangen won the International Festival of Nations in Germany.

The student of KBTU Kazakhstan Maritime Academy received an invitation to participate in the UNICEF conference “Leading Minds for Children and Young People”.

Конкурс Creative Spark, British Council

Казахстанско-Британский Технический университет и Казахская национальная консерватория имени Курмангазы совместно с Бизнес Школой Хенли, Университет Рэдинга в рамках программы Creative Spark (British Council) объявляют об открытии конкурса на лучшие стартап идеи в креативной индустрии. Конкурс является частью реализации проекта по 

On October 11 the first meeting of the Alumni Association of Kazakh-British Technical University took place.

On October 11, Honeywell company opened a new regional training centre on automation on the basis of KBTU.

The fifth meeting of the Advisory Board of Kazakh-British Technical University took place on October 11.

On October 11 a meeting of the students with the Executive Director on Human Capital Development of KAZENERGY Association took place in KBTU.

A guest lecture with participation of the head coach of Kazakhstan Football National team and AFC "Kairat" took place on October 4 in KBTU.

On the 4th of October a festive ceremony in honor of our KBTU teachers took place.