From May 16 to 18, 2024, a meeting was held between KBTU representatives and the Dublin Business School, a leading private higher education institution in the Irish Republic. KBTU was represented by Managing Director for Continuing Education Ibraev A.M. and professor of SITE Akzhalova A.Zh. from Project Groups.

Dublin Business School, founded in 1975, is one of Ireland's leading business schools, located in central Dublin. It is accredited by ACCA, CIMA, PMI and CFA, and its graduates receive prestigious jobs in large companies (about 96% of placements).


During the meeting, opportunities for cooperation were discussed, including vocational education and training, as well as joint EMBA and MBA programs. Additionally, professional evening diploma programs will be offered for employees, students and the general public, covering areas such as FinTech, UX design, project management and cybersecurity.


Benefits of working with Dublin Business School include access to high-quality educational programmes, international experience and improved career prospects for graduates.