On last week our 4th year students from the School of Information Technology and Engineering, Zhumabaeva Nazym, Muradova Alina, Kuatkyzy Aida and Kenzhebekova Aliya, won a grant of 2 million tenge in the "JasStar Grants Program", organized by the Foundation of the First President. This grant will go to the implementation of their videogame "Iz".
"Iz" is a 2D game based on Turkic myths and fairy tales in the setting of the 15th century Kazakh khanate. The game is about a girl whose little sister was kidnapped by an evil creature and the player needs to save her.
This is not the first victory for "Umai" team - in summer they became the finalists of GameLab KBTU Summer School, and now are mentored by the game development and research laboratory, GameLab KBTU.