Scientific and Educational Foundation of Academician Sh. Yessenov announces a new competition for IT specialists for the provision of 10 (ten) grants for additional training in the development of hard skills and / or soft skills.


• Citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

• A student of a Kazakhstani university or an active specialist;

• Your area of ​​specialization is information and communication technologies and/or you are an active specialist in the field of information technologies;

• You want to upgrade your soft and hard skills.

You have a chance to GET A GRANT and complete online / offline training for up to 12 months!

To do this, from 10.03 to 22.04.2022. you must fill out an application on the foundation's website ( and provide the following documents:


Required Documents:

• Scan of ID card;

• Motivation letter, in which he must explain why he needs additional skills and how they will affect his professional and personal life;

• CV.


Additional documents:

• Portfolio demonstrating the candidate's achievements and/or expressed interests in a specific area of ​​the IT field and provide appropriate evidence: – no more than 3 documents*;

• Recommendations – no more than 1 document*;

• Certificates for academic achievements, achievements in research and/or engineering activities, participation in conferences, seminars at various levels - no more than 3 documents*;

• Own, cooperative publications - no more than 2*;

• Diploma if available (last place of study) – no more than 1 document*;

• Certificates for social activity and volunteering – no more than 2 certificates*


*The Fund considers a limited number of certificates. The candidate must independently select the certificates that reflect his achievements in the best way.