From February 11 to 14 a republican contest of scientific projects on general subjects among school students organized by the Research and practical centre “Daryn” of the Ministry of Education and Science of RoK took place in Almaty. The winners and awardees of the contest were awarded with educational grants for studying at KBTU.
The annual contest is held under the patronage of the National Academy of Science of RoK with the aim of developing interest of school students in the basic sciences, attraction of high school students to the creative operations in various spheres of science and technology.
The jury members of the contest were scientist-teachers of the leading national universities, including Kazakh-British Technical University (Asylbek Isakhov, Rasim Suliyev, Beibut Kulpeshov, Zharasbek Baishemirov, Rauan Kelesbekov).
The republican contest of scientific research on the topic of “Models of economic and social and cultural development of the republic in light of the strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050” was conducted in four different directions: “Scientific technological progress as a key element of economic growth”, “Mathematical modeling of economic and social processes”, “Healthy natural environment – is the foundation of “Kazakhstan – 2050” strategy realization” and “Historical monuments of Kazakhstan and perspective tourist routes”.
At the first (school) stage of the contest there were 21 604 students registered. At the second (district) stage there were 7332 students taking part in it. At the third (regional) stage there were 3381 students. At the final stage there were 590 scientific projects presented and authored by 751 young researchers. By the decision of the contest jury 57 participants were awarded with golden medals and with the diplomas of the 1st degree of MES RoK, 103 participants with silver medals and diplomas of the 2nd degree and 175 participants were awarded with bronze medals and diplomas of the third degree. Also, the winners and awardees were issued educational grants to study at KBTU.
National team of Kazakhstan gathered from the number of winners of the contest will provide their projects at the international contest of ISEF – 2020 students’ projects that will take place in Anaheim, (California, USA) on May 10 – 15.