The duration of the doctoral program is 3 years
The language of instruction is English
Goals, tasks:
The purpose of the educational program - training of highly qualified specialists of a modern format with solid knowledge on the innovative development of technology and technology and methods of teaching technical specialties, professional and general cultural competencies, as well as specialists able to use modern knowledge to solve fundamental, applied and innovative tasks in research activities, to solve various problems in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnology, training of scientific personnel who can create separate directions for development in their field; able to work both individually and in a team.
The objectives of the educational program are:
- effective assimilation by doctoral students of basic knowledge, skills and abilities within the framework of physical and mathematical sciences necessary for obtaining a quality education;
- formation of understanding among doctoral students of the deep connection of mathematical theory with applied problems and the need for a mathematical apparatus to solve them;
- development of system technical thinking among doctoral students (visual-figurative-intuitive, analytical, logical, scientific, spatial);
- participation of teachers and doctoral students in research work;
- interaction and cooperation with Kazakhstani and international research institutes and universities;
- development of educational programs in cooperation with representatives of scientific departments of production and business industry.
Features of the profession
Nanotechnologists create new materials with a well-defined atomic structure.
The direction of nanotechnology covers an interdisciplinary field located at the junction of fundamental and applied areas of science and technology. Recently, this direction has become relevant because nanotechnology is the most profound and directed intervention in the structure of matter today. This is a qualitatively new level of accuracy.
The principle of creating nanomaterials at the level of manipulation of individual atoms allows us to obtain properties that cannot be achieved by traditional methods involving chemical reactions involving portions of matter consisting of billions of atoms.
Important qualities
The profession of a nanotechnologist implies an interest in research work, an analytical mindset.
The duties of a nanotechnologist include:
- development of innovative products from the first stage to the last;
- improvement of finished products;
- development of projects, planning of the manufacturing process of innovative products;
- solving technological problems;
- conducting research on key areas of work and preparing reports based on them;
- monitoring of world achievements in the field under study;
- work on the creation of methodological manuals and instructions;
- participation in competitions, writing scientific articles.
Theoretical and practical minimum requirements for doctoral studies:
Specialists with an academic master's degree are allowed to master the program. The applicant must be prepared for doctoral studies, as well as for research activities in the field of physics, chemistry, nanotechnology and related sciences.
The applicant must possess a diverse arsenal of modern research methods, including the use of specialized computer programs for various calculations. In addition, the applicant must possess the following scientific and methodological skills and abilities:
• formulate the problem, purpose and objectives of the study;
• choose research methods that are adequate to the tasks;
• conduct information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with
the involvement of modern technologies;
• analyze the information collected and explain the results obtained;
• to present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts,
articles designed in accordance with modern requirements.
Prerequisites of the educational program:
• Solid State Physics
• Condensed matter physics
A foreign internship and an international conference abroad are provided for doctoral students.
Doctoral students gain knowledge and skills in surface physics, computational, physical, mathematical modeling, materials science, management of scientific experiment.
This is the latest science-intensive direction based on the study and use of the latest achievements of physics, chemistry, biology, electronics and medicine, and already determines the development of science and technology. Specialists in nanotechnology and materials work in research institutes, laboratories and companies of medical-technical, nuclear-physical, chemical-technological profile, develop systems and technologies, including for modern electronics, supervise production, conduct tests and analyze their results, introduce high-tech technologies into production.
The use of nanomaterials is promising in nanoelectronics, medicine, biology, space technology, construction and other branches of human activity. But nanotechnology specialists are especially in demand at the enterprises of the machine-building, chemical, and radio engineering industries.
Mandatory component of the program:
• Physico-chemical fundamentals of nanotechnology
Some elective disciplines of the program:
• Methods of obtaining nanomaterials
• Computer modeling of nanostructures
• Methods and analysis of nanomaterials and nanostructures
• Research methodology
• X-ray scattering and IR spectroscopy for the analysis of nanoscale materials and structures
• Zone theory of a solid body
• Surface analysis of nanostructures
• Introduction to Nanoelectronics
Dean of School of Materials Science and Green Technologies
Nurzhan Beisenkhanov
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internal tel. 531
Deputy Dean of School of Materials Science and Green Technologies
Dina Bakranova
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internal tel. 120
Zakhida Bugybay
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internal tel. 550
Doctoral studies are carried out in the scientific and pedagogical direction.
Duration of training: 3 years.
The language of instruction is English.
Goals and objectives:
Training of modern specialists and scientific personnel with fundamental knowledge in the field of technical sciences and methods of teaching technical disciplines, who are also able to individually develop research work in their field.
The objectives of the educational program are:
• full mastering by doctoral students of the skills of working with modern equipment and methods of applying them in practice;
• formation of doctoral students' understanding of key areas of research work, in particular, in the field of corrosion problems of materials;
• interaction and cooperation with Kazakhstani and international research institutes and universities.
This educational program covers an interdisciplinary field located at the junction of fundamental and applied areas of science and technology.
The urgent task of this direction is to solve the problems of corrosion of pipelines in the oil industry, in the field of mechanical engineering and metallurgical engineering.
Theoretical and practical minimum requirements for doctoral studies:
Specialists with an academic master's degree are allowed to master the program. The applicant must know the following:
• the main regularities of the relationship between the phase composition, structure and properties of materials;
• theoretical foundations of technological processes of production and processing of materials and finished products;
• design and operation of scientific and technological devices and equipment;
• methods of studying the structure and properties of materials;
• technologies for obtaining and processing new materials;
• methods of mathematical processing of research results, compilation of scientific and technological documentation;
• issues of technical and environmental safety, protection of human life, legal norms and economic problems.
For doctoral students studying under the program "8D07105 - Materials Science and technology of new materials", a foreign internship and participation in an international conference abroad are provided.
Prerequisites of the educational program:
• Solid State Physics;
• Physics of semiconductors;
• Mechanical properties of metals.
Some basic and elective disciplines of the program:
Physical and chemical foundations in materials science and metallurgy |
Contemporary trends in theories and technologies development on metallurgical production |
Scientific creation of new materials |
Zone theory of a rigid states |
Modern methods of microscopy and x-ray analysis |
Electrophysical properties of solid-state materials |
Nanotechnology in materials science |
Dean of School of Materials Science and Green Technologies
Nurzhan Beisenkhanov
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internal tel. 531
Deputy Dean of School of Materials Science and Green Technologies
Dina Bakranova
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internal tel. 120
Coordinator of master's and doctoral programs
Raziya Sarsembekova
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internal tel. 473
Doctoral studies are carried out in the scientific and pedagogical direction.
Duration of training: 3 years.
The language of instruction is English.
Goals and objectives:
The educational program of the doctoral program "8D07204 – Metallurgy" is aimed at preparing graduates to carry out research, production-technological, design-analytical and design-technological types of professional activity in various fields of metallurgy and includes analysis and implementation of technological processes, operation and design of equipment in various fields of metallurgical production.
The objectives of the educational program are:
• training of highly qualified specialists of modern formation with solid knowledge of innovative development of technology and technology and methods of teaching technical disciplines;
• full mastering by doctoral students of methods for improvement and optimization of metallurgical productions, technological processes of processing of mineral, natural and man-made raw materials;
• mastering the skills of working with modern equipment and methods of using equipment in practice;
• creation of prerequisites for the organization of interaction and cooperation with research institutes and universities.
The fields of professional activity of the graduate are the field of science and technology related to metallurgical production, research and teaching activities.
Theoretical and practical minimum requirements for doctoral studies
Specialists with an academic master's degree are allowed to master the program. The applicant must know the following:
• theoretical foundations of technological processes of production and processing of materials and finished products;
• design and operation of scientific and technological devices and equipment;
• methods of performing works based on the results of engineering calculations and research of metallurgical processes;
• methodology for compiling reports on the results of the work performed.
For doctoral students studying under the program "8D0720 – Metallurgy", a foreign internship and an international conference abroad are provided.
Prerequisites of the educational program:
- Theory of metallurgical processes;
Some basic and elective disciplines of the program:
Physical and chemical foundations in materials science and metallurgy |
Contemporary trends in theories and technologies development on metallurgical production |
Technological, economic and environmental aspects of the use of mineral raw materials in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Technology and theory of technogenic waste processing in various industries |
Modern tendencies in the theory of liquid systems |
Organometallic Compounds in Material Sciences and Metallurgy |
Diffusion and Chemical Kinetics in Heterogeneous Systems |
Physical, Chemical and Electrochemical Methods of Ore Enrichment in Metallurgy |
Physicochemical properties and peculiarities of the structure of minerals - sources of industrial production of metals |
Dean of School of Materials Science and Green Technologies
Nurzhan Beisenkhanov
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internal tel. 531
Deputy Dean of School of Materials Science and Green Technologies
Dina Bakranova
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internal tel. 120
Coordinator of master's and doctoral programs
Raziya Sarsembekova
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internal tel. 473