This year marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of Kanysh Imantauly Satbayev, a geologist, the founder of science and the school of metallurgy, the first president and academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Satbayev Kanysh Imantauly was born on April 12, 1899. His name is closely connected with the period of formation of industry and science in Kazakhstan. K.I.Satbayev mineral resources of the subsoil of Kazakhstan, the first Kazakh geologist who discovered a copper deposit in Zhezkazgan, organizer and first president of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, the first academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences from the eastern republics of the Soviet Union, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR, laureate of the State and Lenin Prizes, four times awarded the Order of Lenin 2nd degree. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War.
List of textbooks on display:
1. Satpaeva Taisiya Alekseevna. "Kanysh Imantayevich Satpayev." - Almaty: gylym, 2003. - 264 p
2. Tolybai Mukanovich Alzhanov. "Kanysh Satpayev is the son of the Kazakh Land." - Almaty : SIC "gylym", 2002. – 17p
3. Academician K.I.Satpayev in the memory of fellow countrymen" / Composition:Oralbek Kozhanov. - Almaty : Zhibek zholy, 1999. – 80p
4. Academician K. I. Satpayev in memory of fellow countrymen" / compiled by Oralbek Kozhanov. - - Almaty : Zhibek Zholy, 1999.
5. Academician K.I.Satpayev and the science of Kazakhstan": Articles, essays, memoirs. Almaty : gylym, 1999. – 272p
6. Satbayev Kanysh Imantayevich. "Kazakhstan is my homeland" / Edited by: A.A.Abdulin, H.A.Bespaev, S.M.Kozhakhmetov, A.N.Nurlybaev, K.Salykov, J.S.Sydykov- Almaty : gylym, 1999. – 464p
7. Alzhanov Tolybai Mukanuly. " Kanysh Satbayev is a person of the Kazakh people ". - Almaty : Gylym, 2002. - 164 p
8.Scientists from Kazakhstan. Encyclopedic reference book. Volume 1". - Almaty: Kazakh encyclopedia, 2012. – 616p
9. Salykov K. "Kanysh Satpayev". - Almaty : Zhibek zholy, 1999. – 60p
10.Newspaper. The epoch of 30.01.2004