WPC Excellence Awards Competition Announced

The global partner of the KAZENERGY Association - the World Petroleum Council has announced the acceptance of applications for participation in the competition for a special award - the WPC Excellence Awards.


The purpose of the competition is to reward public or private organizations (not individuals) operating in the oil and gas and energy industries for their high-quality standards, outstanding projects and innovations.


Companies can submit projects in three categories: social responsibility, technological developments, gender and inclusion.


In each category, two winners will be determined: one from national/international companies, large businesses, and the second category - small and medium organizations (non-subsidiaries with less than 500 employees, universities are also included in the category of small and medium enterprises).


When evaluating projects by an independent commission, the following criteria are taken into account:


Social Responsibility Award


  • innovative and forward-looking social responsibility initiatives that benefit society or the environment;
  • commitment and engagement of management and employees;
  • cooperation with local communities, stakeholders and development of mutually beneficial relationships;
  • feasibility;
  • broad applicability and reproducibility in the oil sector;
  • proven or demonstrated long-term results.


Technological Development Award


  • technological breakthroughs;
  • innovative application of existing technologies;
  • economic efficiency;
  • wide applicability in the oil industry;
  • proven or demonstrated, sustainable results (long-term).


Gender and Inclusion Action Award (new category)


  • effective policies, programs and activities aimed at improving gender diversity, with measurable results;
  • innovative use of technology to remove barriers to gender representation in business;
  • ensuring gender equality is a strategic business commitment supported by the company's senior management;
  • a corporate culture that recognizes diversity and inclusion as fundamental organizational values;
  • transparent goals of the company in the field of diversity and inclusiveness.

Applications are accepted electronically until April 7, 2023, at the following link: https://worldpetroleum.wufoo.com/forms/w14ienrb0qn93pc/


The finalists of the competition will be announced at the end of June 2023, the winners will be announced on September 21, 2023, during the World Petroleum Congress in Calgary (Canada).


Please direct all questions to the World Petroleum Council Secretariat by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.