Dear students!

According to the Agreement on the provision of educational services, the student undertakes to pay the Student fee in each semester during the entire period of study, aimed at holding student events and other student initiatives at the University and beyond, in the amount established by the decision of the University Board.

Persons who have confirmed their social status are exempted from paying the Student fee.

We ask students with social status,in the period from July 4 to July 22, update information about your social. status in "Other documents" - submodule "Social category" and attach supporting documents, see the  table below).


This information is required:

  • for exemption from Student fee;
  • to update the Uninet database;
  • for settling in DMIS (in case of applying for settling in the autumn semester).



The name of the social categories

Confirmation document


Without parental care

- a copy of the student's identity card;

- a copy of the death certificate of both or the only parent, or other documents confirming the absence of parents (court decision on deprivation of parental rights, on restriction, on declaring them missing, declaring them dead, declaring them incapacitated (partially incapacitated);

- a certificate confirming the fact of being in an institution for orphans and children,

left without parental care;

- if available: a copy of the agreement on the transfer of the child to foster care.




An orphan under guardianship


Disabled children

- a copy of the student's identity card;

- a copy of the certificate of disability (medical and social expertise).If a parent/both parents are disabled, the certificate of disability must be notarized.



Disabled from childhood


Disabled 1/2 group


Hearing disabled

Visually impaired


Disabled Parents


Multi-children families (4 or more children)

- a certificate of family composition from the portal or a public service center;

- Copies of parents' IDs.


only breadwinner in the family

- a copy of the identity card of the student and parent;

- divorce certificate/death certificate/certificate of missing person;

- certificate of employment indicating income for a period of at least the last 6 months;

- if the parent does not work - a certificate of registration as unemployed.


Incomplete family


Retired parents

- a copy of the identity card of the student and parent;

- parent's pension certificate.


Persons of Kazakh nationality, non-residents (qandas)

- qandas certificate