The KBTU Annual Pedagogical Council 2021: Results and Plans
On August 25, the third annual Expanded Pedagogical Council of the Kazakh-British Technical University took place. This year the teachers’ council was held in a combined format.
Opening the meeting, the acting rector of the Kazakh-British Technical University Maratbek Gabdullin familiarized the university staff with the results of previous academic year, set tasks for the new academic year, shared plans and outlined strategic priorities for the near future. He also emphasized that improving the training of highly qualified specialists is impossible without modernizing education system, which consists in increasing availability of quality education in line with international educational trends.
Further, the management board of the university presented a general plan of preparation for the new academic year and explained the main preparatory measures.
Speakers and members of the pedagogical council focused on the prospects for development of KBTU in current realities, the format of educational process in the fall semester and contingent of students, the introduction of new educational programs and the development of double degree programs, as well as issues of internalization and continuing education.
During the meeting, issues of cooperation with partner companies were discussed, conceptual proposals were made for the development of research activities and infrastructure; the trends of digitalization in the education system are also considered.
In addition, within the framework of the pedagogical council, the teaching staff and KBTU employees were awarded for their active work and significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists.