K 22


Kassem Yasser.
     Basics of Corrosion in Oil and Gas Industry: Corrosion science, forms, monitoring, and control. / Y. Kassem , R.R. Winston. - USA : North Haven, 2022. - p.213 : ill. - ISBN 978-1-793381-145

Most Corrosion books include long chapters explaining, and illustrating corrosion thermodynamics, and corrosion kinetics. Most corrosion books are also include many details of polarization curves and their commentaries. All of previous subjects are very important in academic and research branches, but they are less important and less needed for corrosion and inspection engineers and technicians working in practical corrosion fields. Engineers and technicians working in corrosion, chemicals, or inspection are usually looking for the practical aspects of corrosion knowledge and science. This book was made to cover the practical and applied sides of corrosion technology in industrial section, especially in oil and gas fields with the minimum requirements or the fundamentals of electrochemistry, kinetics, polarization, and thermodynamics. The book is based on NACE basic corrosion course, with many additional explanations and illustrations necessary for corrosion engineers and technicians.